The Future of Medicine
A vision for medicine and health care informed by the social and technological forces shaping the landscape.

A look at how and why “Influenza isn’t going anywhere”.
Topics: The Future of Medicine
00Forces of ChangeView the Topic
01Virtual DestructionView the Topic
02PrevivorsView the Topic
03Data WarsView the Topic
04Pandemic Arms RaceView the Topic
05Trickle-Up InnovationView the Topic
06Can the FDA Keep Up?View the Topic
07Trama: 30 MinutesView the Topic
08The Future of SurgeryView the Topic
09The Provider WorkforceView the Topic
10The Crisis in Physician MoraleView the Topic
11Redefining Mental HealthcareView the Topic
12The Art of Making a BabyView the Topic
13RegenerationView the Topic
View the Future of Medicine
Will we seize the opportunities presented by the emerging technologies of today and tomorrow to reengineer our health system with compassion, common sense and ethical clarity?
The Pace of Innovation
As we compared notes over months of interviews, conferences and research, the surprises came frequently. The common theme was speed: how quickly ordinary people are embracing the concept of genetic engineering; the acceleration of machine learning’s role in diagnostics; the rapidly changing job outlook for the medical practitioner workforce; the speed and diversity of medical innovation happening in developing areas around the world.
Among the most profound realizations that occurred to our team: at the same time as advanced imaging technology gives us an increasingly clear picture of our present physiological status, the convergent trio of genomics, big data and predictive analytics gives us an increasingly clear line of sight into both our biological past and future. When coupled with advanced technology, DNA turns out to be that most elusive of science fiction plot devices: a working time-travel mechanism.
Our hope is that the ensuing conversation and debate will serve to help the industry’s leaders navigate past the obstacles presented by our rapidly changing environment and create a future that improves lives around the world.